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Sunday, September 30, 2012


Your galaxy fit became an IPHONE..
 Do you want?
 Don't have to spend much money to buy an IPHONE.. 

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Jelly Bean - Galaxy Fit (AOKP v5)

Guys.. Can you imagine Jelly bean runs on Galaxy Fit device??
unbelievable.... Right..

Sunday, September 9, 2012

cm9 beta 7

download custom rom cm9 beta 7 here

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Secret code Galaxy Fit

Here are secret codes for Galaxy Fit users :

Introducing about Samsung Galaxy Fit

What is Samsung Galaxy Fit?
Samsung Galaxy Fit is an android phone. Samsung Galaxy Fit is also familiar with Galaxy Fit. That's why i used Galaxy Fit in this website..............

Upgrade your GalaxyFit OS

Galaxy Fit stock rom

What is custom rom ?

How to install a custom rom ?

Firstly download CWM here

How to root your GalaxyFit

Making Connection From Your GalaxyFit to PC

Here i present a very simple tutorial about how to connect your GalaxyFit with your phone..

Monday, August 27, 2012

Official Cyanogenmod 7 Galaxy Fit

Guys, here i share a custom rom made by cyanogen..
Did you know? Cyanogen is the best costum rom for android users.. Waiting for so long, finally it comes to our Fit..

Saturday, August 25, 2012

my project (2012)

1. WARNET.....lahan yang paling tepat : gudang tulang ittas dengan spek : - ruangan full ac - toilet pria dan wanita - nama warnet DAUN - dekorasi internal warna hijau campur silver (sesuai dengan daun) - desain warnet (cari dari google dgn ciri: simpel tapi elegan) - speed (awal 1 mbps utk 5-10 komp dan akan meningkat) - dilengkapi kamera CCTV(teras, operator, seluruh ruangan, tempat parkir) - safety warnet (blokir situs n konten porno) - no smoking area (didalam warnet) - musik warnet ( akustik, instrument) - jam buka 07.00 - 22.00 WIB - seorang petugas keamanan (diwajibkan untuk memantau langsung dan dari CCTV) Operator warnet : - 1 unit komp( + printer laser warna) - tv (pemantau cctv) - dapat menerima pengetikan (nmn untuk cetak dikenakan biaya ke perusahaan) - jual makanan dan minuman - dll Usaha lain : 1. counter pulsa (isi ulang, voucher) 2. servis handphone (OS, software,musik, 3. ticketing pesawat online (booking online) 4. jual tas online (kantor) 5. servis komp - dll 2. JUAL TAS...didepok (DTC, depok mall, dll) - nama : DAUN STYLE - punya 1 karyawan yang mampu menjual (akan ditambah jika penjualan meningkat) - butuh kerjasama (dengan rifki) untuk menjalankan usaha, karena saya sambil kuliah..jadi ada pembagian tugas masing-masing, pembagian waktu kerja supaya adil. - melayani penjualan tas online (pengiriman kedaerah) dengan komunikasi (BB) - operasional (minggu - jumat --jam buka gedung toko s/d jam tutup toko kecuali hari jumat dengan jam khusus) - tahap awal (sewa 1 konter dan akan meningkat) - ambil barang dari (tulang jona, sumber lain, bahkan dari guangzhou, dan mengikuti perkembangan model tas terbaru) - dll

Sunday, August 12, 2012

MilkChocolate V1.1

[ROM].[PORT] - MilkChocolate v1.1

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Cyanogenmod 7 - stable (unofficial)

CyanogenMod 7.2.0 is a free, community built, aftermarket firmware distribution of Android 2.3 (Gingerbread), which is designed to increase performance and reliability over stock Android for your device.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

project ROM for Galaxy Fit GT-S5670

1. Galaxy SII black&white
- nikmati galaxy fit anda selayaknya handphone bw(black & white)...
- all transparant (apps, status bar, setting, default apps..
- galaxy s2 look.
- camera, touchwiz, dialertab, polaris, and other SII original apps ported (port to ldpi)
- added themes (3D dock)
- bootanimation and bootpics(default "GalaxyFit" change with "GalaxySII")  Galaxy SII
- own kernel (stable at 800mhz with many feature added +2way record call)
- improve graphic, sound,
- if possible i will use micro sd for added more ram (hack ram)

2. glass rom
GLASS ROM..800Mhz default clock speed..
- fully transparant frameworks, statusbar, default apps
- background : glass(kaca/bening) -- fully with glass background in each default apps
- bottom status bar
- animation : rotation (drawer, screen prev, every apps(open/close apps)
- bootanimation : customize