1. Galaxy SII black&white
- nikmati galaxy fit anda selayaknya handphone bw(black & white)...
- all transparant (apps, status bar, setting, default apps..
- galaxy s2 look.
- camera, touchwiz, dialertab, polaris, and other SII original apps ported (port to ldpi)
- added themes (3D dock)
- bootanimation and bootpics(default "GalaxyFit" change with "GalaxySII") Galaxy SII
- own kernel (stable at 800mhz with many feature added +2way record call)
- improve graphic, sound,
- if possible i will use micro sd for added more ram (hack ram)
2. glass rom
GLASS ROM..800Mhz default clock speed..
- fully transparant frameworks, statusbar, default apps
- background : glass(kaca/bening) -- fully with glass background in each default apps
- bottom status bar
- animation : rotation (drawer, screen prev, every apps(open/close apps)
- bootanimation : customize
- nikmati galaxy fit anda selayaknya handphone bw(black & white)...
- all transparant (apps, status bar, setting, default apps..
- galaxy s2 look.
- camera, touchwiz, dialertab, polaris, and other SII original apps ported (port to ldpi)
- added themes (3D dock)
- bootanimation and bootpics(default "GalaxyFit" change with "GalaxySII") Galaxy SII
- own kernel (stable at 800mhz with many feature added +2way record call)
- improve graphic, sound,
- if possible i will use micro sd for added more ram (hack ram)
2. glass rom
GLASS ROM..800Mhz default clock speed..
- fully transparant frameworks, statusbar, default apps
- background : glass(kaca/bening) -- fully with glass background in each default apps
- bottom status bar
- animation : rotation (drawer, screen prev, every apps(open/close apps)
- bootanimation : customize
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